All Status Ailments And How To Treat Them In Palworld

All Status Ailments And How To Treat Them In Palworld

In the rich and expansive world of Palworld, players find themselves exploring vast landscapes, engaging in intense battles, and forming unbreakable bonds with their Pals. However, as you dive deeper into this captivating universe, you'll find that your journey is not without its hurdles. Status ailments can significantly affect your gameplay, hampering your progress and making your adventures more challenging. Understanding these ailments and knowing how to treat them is essential for every trainer. This article provides a comprehensive guide to all status ailments in Palworld and offers the best treatment methods to keep your Pals in fighting shape.


One of the most common status ailments, Poison steadily saps the health of your Pal over time. It's particularly treacherous during long explorations or battles, as it can whittle down your Pal's health without you noticing until it's too late.

Treatment: Antidotes are your go-to solution for curing poison. Stock up on these essential items at any shop. Additionally, certain Pal abilities can detoxify teammates, so keep an eye out for Pals with cleansing skills.


Burn not only causes ongoing damage like poison but also reduces the affected Pal's attack power. This ailment can be a serious hindrance in battles where every bit of damage output counts.

Treatment: Cooling Salve is an effective remedy against burns, readily available in stores across Palworld. Some water-type Pals can also soothe burns and expedite recovery.


Getting frozen renders your Pal unable to move, making it an easy target for enemies. Though it might thaw out naturally, relying on chance during a crucial battle is far from ideal.

Treatment: Warming Ointment thaws out frozen Pals and restores their mobility. Fire-type Pals possess abilities that can melt the ice much faster than waiting it out.


Paralysis drastically reduces a Pal's speed and may prevent it from attacking altogether. This ailment can turn the tide of battle by giving your opponents the upper hand.

Treatment: Paralysis can be cured with Paralysis Heal, a staple in any trainer's inventory. Electric and ground-type Pals might have abilities to shield teammates from or cure paralysis.


Sleep puts your Pal into a vulnerable state where it can't attack or defend. The duration of sleep varies, leaving your Pal at the mercy of its foes.

Treatment: Wake-Up Bells are specially designed to rouse sleeping Pals. Some psychic-type Pals have abilities that can awaken and protect allies from succumbing to sleep in battle.


Confusion turns your Pal against itself, causing it to hurt itself in its dazed state. It's a frustrating ailment that can prolong battles and deplete your Pal's health needlessly.

Treatment: Soothing Fragrance is a remedy that calms and centers confused Pals, making it invaluable during fights. Also, look for Pals with mental fortitude abilities that resist confusion.

How to Prevent Status Ailments

Prevention is always better than cure. Equip your Pals with protective gear that wards off status ailments or train Pals with abilities that prevent or reduce the chances of these conditions affecting your team. Keeping a well-stocked inventory of treatments and cultivating a diverse team capable of countering various ailments will ensure you're prepared for anything Palworld throws your way.

As you journey across Palworld, remember that knowledge and preparation are key to overcoming the challenges that lie ahead. By understanding the status ailments that can affect your Pals and how to treat them, you're well on your way to becoming a master trainer. Stay vigilant, keep your treatments handy, and never underestimate the importance of a well-rounded team to safeguard against these perilous conditions. With these strategies in mind, you're ready to tackle any obstacle and seize victory in the dynamic world of Palworld.