Baldurs Gate 3 How To Open The Vault Door In The Toll House In BG3

Baldurs Gate 3 How To Open The Vault Door In The Toll House In BG3

In the grand and intricate world of Baldur's Gate 3, developed by Larian Studios, players are treated to a deep and immersive RPG experience that draws from the rich lore of the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Among the many secrets and hidden treasures scattered throughout the game, one particular puzzle that has intrigued and stumped many adventurers is the vault door located in the Toll House. Opening this vault not only progresses the storyline but also rewards players with valuable loot that can aid them in their journey. This article aims to guide you through the steps necessary to unlock this mysterious door, shedding light on the clues and mechanics that will allow you to access the treasures within.

Location and Initial Clues

First, let’s talk about the location. The Toll House can be found while traversing the Risen Road, an area fraught with dangers and intriguing encounters. Upon entering the Toll House, players will discover a locked door that seemingly has no key. The first clue lies with a note found on a nearby corpse, hinting at the existence of this concealed vault and triggering the quest to unlock it.

Understanding the Puzzle Mechanism

The key to solving this puzzle is not a physical one but rather understanding the clues left behind and interacting with the environment in a specific manner. You will notice several statues positioned around the room, each holding different items and facing various directions. These are not mere decorations but integral to unlocking the door.

Decrypting the Clues

To decrypt the clues provided, players must thoroughly explore the environment for any information or lore that could hint at the correct sequence of actions. This involves reading through books, letters, and any available material that might reference the statues or their significance.

The Solution

Here is the step-by-step solution to open the vault door in Baldur's Gate 3:

  1. Interpretation of Statues: Each statue represents a deity or figure from the Forgotten Realms mythology. Recognizing which deity each statue represents can provide insights into how they should be positioned or interacted with.
  2. Adjusting the Statues: Players need to interact with these statues and adjust their positions or the items they hold. The correct configuration usually involves aligning them in a way that matches a particular narrative or historical event referenced in the game's lore or discovered documents.
  3. Engaging Mechanisms: Sometimes, alongside positioning the statues, there might be levers to pull or buttons to press hidden within the room or in nearby areas, further complicating the puzzle.
  4. Final Step: Once everything is correctly aligned and all mechanisms have been engaged in the right order, the vault door will unlock, granting access to its contents.

Inside the Vault

What awaits inside the vault is well worth the effort to uncover. Players can expect to find not only gold and equipment but also rare items that add depth to the game's lore and potentially give players an edge in their adventures.

Tips for Players

  • Thorough Exploration: Always search every nook and cranny of an area for notes, letters, and books. These can provide crucial clues that are often overlooked.
  • Save Frequently: Before attempting to solve puzzles like this, it’s wise to save your game. If a mistake is made, you can easily revert without losing progress.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different configurations of the statues and mechanisms. Sometimes, the solution requires a bit of trial and error.
  • Community Resources: If you're truly stuck, don't hesitate to consult community forums and guides. The Baldur's Gate 3 community is active and full of players willing to help.


Unlocking the vault door in the Toll House in Baldur's Gate 3 is a rewarding challenge that tests players' problem-solving skills and attention to detail. By following these steps and keeping a sharp eye for clues, adventurers can uncover hidden treasures and lore that enrich their gaming experience. Remember, every obstacle in Baldur's Gate 3 is an opportunity for growth and discovery, pushing you closer to mastering this vast and vibrant world.