FF7 Rebirth Absence Of A Sign Walkthrough

FF7 Rebirth Absence Of A Sign Walkthrough

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the eagerly awaited sequel in the Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy, brings with it not just the excitement of continuing the epic saga but also intricate quests filled with puzzles and challenges that players must navigate through. A standout among these quests is the enigmatic "Absence of a Sign" mission, which has left many players scratching their heads, seeking guidance to uncover its secrets and complete the journey it lays out. This walkthrough aims to provide you with a clear, step-by-step guide to navigating this quest, ensuring you miss none of the action or rewards that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has to offer.

Understanding the Mission: Absence of a Sign

Initially, players might find themselves puzzled by the cryptic nature of the "Absence of a Sign" quest. It begins when you encounter a mysterious NPC in the ruins of Midgar, who speaks in riddles hinting at the need for keen observation and perception rather than sheer strength. The mission fundamentally tests your ability to read the environment, understand subtle clues, and deduce the next steps based on seemingly inconsequential details scattered throughout the world.

Step 1: Decoding the First Clue

Your journey starts in the Sector 5 slums, where the NPC provides you the first riddle: "Where sunlight touches earth and leaves dance without wind, there you will find what you seek." This cryptic message points towards the Church in the Sector 5 slums, where Aerith tends to her flowers. The spot where sunlight distinctly shines through the broken roof onto a small patch of flowers is where you'll find your first clue—a unique materia orb.

Step 2: The Shadow of the Lost Giant

The next clue you receive hints at a shadow casting over the remnants of a fallen giant during a certain time of day. This clue leads you to the destroyed Sector 6 playground. You'll need to visit this area when the in-game clock is around noon, mirroring when the sun is highest. As sunlight casts shadows of the destroyed robot's arm, it directs you to a point on the ground. Investigating this particular spot will reveal the second materia.

Step 3: Whispers in the Marketplace

The third clue leads you back into civilization, hinting at whispers among traders about a place where precious things are abandoned. This directs players to Wall Market, specifically to the junkyard area where traders dispose of items they couldn't sell. In a seemingly worthless pile of junk, you're tasked with finding an object that doesn't belong—a beautifully crafted key.

Step 4: Unlocking History

After acquiring the key, players are led to the crumbling remains of a library in Sector 4. This requires careful exploration because entrance is barred by debris and requires finding an alternate path through nearby buildings. Once inside, using the key on a seemingly ordinary bookshelf reveals a hidden compartment containing the final clue piece—a document explaining the location of a secret Materia cache in Sector 0.

Final Stage: The Materia Cache

Using all clues gathered, players must navigate to Sector 0, close to Shinra Headquarters. The document describes a hollowed-out tree near a small water body, itself an anomaly within the metallic landscape of Midgar. This secluded spot holds a cache containing rare Materia not found anywhere else in the game, including powerful magic and summon Materia that can significantly bolster your party's strength.

Additional Tips for Completing "Absence of a Sign"

  • Pay close attention to NPC dialogues throughout Midgar; sometimes, they offer subtle hints about your next destination or puzzle solutions.
  • Keep an eye on environmental cues. Light and shadow play crucial roles in solving parts of this quest.
  • The quest rewards exploration and patience. Don’t rush; some clues require visiting areas at specific times or under certain conditions.
  • Completing “Absence of a Sign” not only rewards you with unique Materia but also enriches your understanding of Midgar’s lore and history through scattered documents and NPC stories.


The "Absence of a Sign" quest in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth masterfully combines narrative depth with environmental puzzle-solving, challenging players to engage with the game world in unique and thoughtful ways. By following this walkthrough, players should find themselves well-equipped to uncover all secrets this quest hides, enrich their gaming experience with rare items and deep lore, and bring themselves one step closer to unraveling the mysteries that lie at the heart of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's thrilling narrative adventure. Share your experiences and tips with fellow gamers as we all navigate this sprawling epic together—happy adventuring!