FF7 Rebirth All Corel Protorelic And Cactuar Rocks Locations

FF7 Rebirth All Corel Protorelic And Cactuar Rocks Locations

In the sprawling and highly-anticipated sequel to Final Fantasy VII Remake, FF7 Rebirth offers gamers a wealth of content to explore, secrets to uncover, and items to collect. Among the more elusive and sought-after items in the game are the Corel Protorelics and the Cactuar Rocks. These items not only serve as valuable assets for enhancing your gameplay experience but also as intriguing collectibles that guide players through the diverse and rich landscapes of FF7 Rebirth. Below is a comprehensive guide detailing all known locations for these items, based on the most current information available.

Corel Protorelics Locations

Corel Protorelics are crucial for those looking to delve deeper into the lore of FF7 Rebirth and enhance their characters’ abilities. These ancient artifacts are scattered across the vast landscape of Corel, each holding a piece of history and power.

  1. North Corel Area: The first Protorelic can be found near the entrance of the North Corel area, cleverly hidden behind a series of dilapidated railway cars. Players will need to carefully navigate through the twisted metal to uncover this hidden gem.
  2. Abandoned Corel Mine: Deep within the abandoned mines of Corel, lies a Protorelic protected by a group of formidable enemies. It's advisable to level up your characters and stock up on potions before attempting to claim this relic.
  3. Corel Reactor Ruins: Situated at the base of the old reactor's ruins, this Protorelic can be reached by completing a series of environmental puzzles that involve moving debris and re-routing power to different sections of the area.
  4. Ancient Corel Bridge: Suspended perilously under the ancient bridge leading out of Corel, this Protorelic requires precise platforming skills to retrieve. It’s recommended to save your game before attempting this challenging endeavor.

Cactuar Rocks Locations

Cactuar Rocks are another fascinating set of collectibles in FF7 Rebirth, sought after for their unique property of summoning a Cactuar when used in battle. Here’s where you can find them:

  1. Eastern Corel Desert: Hidden within the vast expanse of the Eastern Corel Desert, players will find a Cactuar Rock nestled in a small nook inside a giant sand dune. Using a Chocobo to traverse the desert more efficiently is recommended for this search.
  2. Corel Valley Cave: In one of the deeper caverns of Corel Valley, there is a Cactuar Rock guarded by a puzzle involving ancient Corel glyphs. Solving this puzzle requires keen observation and understanding of Corel's lore, found in various books throughout the game.
  3. Old Corel Waterway: This waterway, long forgotten by many of Corel’s residents, houses a Cactuar Rock behind a series of locked gates. Finding keys scattered throughout Corel is essential to accessing this hidden location.
  4. Corel Canyon’s Edge: Perched precariously at the edge of Corel Canyon, this rock demands precision navigation and timing to retrieve. Look out for the telltale green glow indicative of a Cactuar Rock's presence.

Tips for Locating Corel Protorelics and Cactuar Rocks

  • Be Prepared: Many of these locations are guarded by tough enemies or require solving complex puzzles. Make sure your party is well-equipped and adequately leveled.
  • Explore Thoroughly: FF7 Rebirth rewards curiosity. Don't be afraid to stray off the beaten path or experiment with your environment. There are often clues or hidden pathways that lead to these coveted items.
  • Utilize your Party's Skills: Certain characters in your party may have abilities that make navigating through tricky areas or defeating enemies easier. Pay attention to their strengths and utilize them accordingly.
  • Consult the Community: The FF7 Rebirth community is vast and always willing to help fellow gamers. If you find yourself stuck, there are plenty of forums and platforms where you can seek advice or share strategies.

With this information at your disposal, tracking down all Corel Protorelics and Cactuar Rocks in FF7 Rebirth should be an exciting endeavor, filled with exploration, challenge, and reward. These collectibles not only offer practical benefits but also enrich your journey through the vast and beautifully rendered world of FF7 Rebirth, making each discovery a memorable part of your adventure. Happy hunting!