FF7 Rebirth From Whence Life Flows Walkthrough

FF7 Rebirth From Whence Life Flows Walkthrough

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the eagerly awaited second installment in the Final Fantasy VII remake series. A direct continuation of Final Fantasy VII Remake, the game promises to bring more action, adventure, and an expanded storyline that delves deeper into the rich lore of the Final Fantasy VII universe. One of the most captivating missions early on in the game is "From Whence Life Flows," a critical chapter that sets the stage for events that will dramatically unfold throughout the game. This walkthrough aims to guide you seamlessly through this mission while also providing tips to enhance your gaming experience.

Initial Steps

"From Whence Life Flows" begins immediately following the events in Kalm, a small town where Cloud and his companions find themselves after the harrowing escape from Midgar. The mission is heavy with narrative importance, featuring pivotal exposition and character development. Your first step is to explore Kalm thoroughly. Although it might seem trivial, this exploration is crucial for gathering items and information that will bolster your journey.

In Kalm, talk to every NPC (Non-Playable Character) you encounter. Some offer valuable information about the world, while others might gift you items or open side quests. This is your chance to stock up on potions, ethers, and maybe even snag a couple of new Materia. Keep an eye out for hidden chests in the houses and alleyways.

Into the Mythril Mines

After your venture in Kalm, your next objective is to head towards the Mythril Mines. However, the journey is not straightforward. The path is dotted with formidable enemies that offer a good challenge, providing an excellent opportunity to level up your party and get used to any new Materia you found in Kalm.

Before you enter the Mythril Mines, it's imperative to adjust your party's equipment and Materia based on the battles ahead. Elemental Materia can be particularly effective in this segment of the game, given the variety of creatures you'll face. Also, don't forget to set up your healing Materia. The mines are long, and you'll encounter several tough battles, making sustainability key to your progression.

The Mythril Mines are a labyrinthine network of tunnels filled with not just enemies, but puzzles that you'll need to solve to advance. Pay close attention to the environmental clues and interact with every object you can; sometimes what seems like decor can actually be a lever or button that opens new paths or reveals hidden treasures.

One of the first major obstacles you'll face is a puzzle involving three statues and a series of levers. The solution lies in aligning the statues so they face towards the center of the room, which will unlock an essential passageway. This puzzle underscores a recurring theme in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: observation and interaction with your surroundings are as critical as combat prowess.

Boss Battle: Guard Scorpion

The climax of "From Whence Life Flows" is undoubtedly the boss battle against Guard Scorpion. Players of the original Final Fantasy VII will remember this mechanical menace from the early stages of the game, but Rebirth’s version is significantly more challenging.

The Guard Scorpion has several attacks that can target individual party members or deal devastating area damage. Keep your health up and use Barrier Materia to mitigate some of the incoming harm. When it raises its tail, avoid attacking it directly; this will trigger a powerful counterattack. Instead, use this time to heal up or buff your party.

Magic Materia is particularly effective during this battle. Lightning spells are incredibly potent against the Guard Scorpion, dealing substantial damage each time. However, balance your MP usage because running out could spell doom if you’re unable to heal.

Once defeated, the Guard Scorpion drops several items, including a rare Materia that will undoubtedly be useful in your journey ahead.


Successfully navigating "From Whence Life Flows" in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a testament to your growing mastery of both combat and puzzle-solving within this immersive universe. By following this guide and keeping a keen eye on your surroundings, you're now well-prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.

Remember, every character’s strength and every piece of Materia counts in shaping your journey through this epic saga. "From Whence Life Flows" sets pivotal events into motion that will undoubtedly leave long-lasting impacts on your adventure. As you continue, keep exploring, stay equipped, and above all, enjoy the rich narrative and compelling gameplay that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth offers.