FF7 Rebirth How To Get Magnify Materia

FF7 Rebirth How To Get Magnify Materia

In the sprawling world of FF7 Rebirth, Materia plays a pivotal role in defining your gameplay style, enhancing your characters’ abilities, and bringing strategic depth to combat. Among the myriad of Materia available, one stands out for its ability to turn the tide of battle: the Magnify Materia. This sought-after gem allows players to amplify the effects of other Materia when linked, affecting multiple targets instead of just one, which is crucial for both offensive spells and supportive abilities. In this guide, we'll delve into how you can obtain the Magnify Materia, ensuring your party's prowess is unmatched in the face of adversity.

Understanding Magnify Materia

Before we embark on the quest to acquire this rare Materia, let’s understand its significance. When equipped and linked with magic or supportive Materia in your weapon or armor, Magnify enhances the linked Materia’s area of effect. For instance, linking it with a healing Materia enables you to heal your entire party in one go instead of just a single member. Similarly, an offensive spell can damage multiple enemies, making it indispensable for encounters with numerous foes.

Locating the Magnify Materia in FF7 Rebirth

Acquiring the Magnify Materia is no simple task and requires keen exploration and attention to detail. Below, we outline the steps and strategies necessary to secure this powerful asset for your team.

Step 1: Progressing Through the Story

Your journey towards obtaining the Magnify Materia begins as you progress through the main story. Keep an eye out for side quests and additional areas as they often contain hidden treasures and key items. The Magnify Materia is typically not something you stumble upon early in the game; hence patience and diligence in completing quests and exploring areas fully are essential.

Step 2: The Quest of Interest

In most cases, high-value items like the Magnify Materia are tied to specific quests or hidden in well-guarded locations. While exploring, pay special attention to NPCs offering tasks or quests that seem out of the ordinary or more challenging than usual. These are often indicators of valuable rewards awaiting those who complete them.

Step 3: Puzzles and Challenges

Obtaining the Magnify Materia may require solving complex puzzles or overcoming formidable challenges in certain dungeons or hidden areas within the game. These puzzles often involve manipulating the environment, aligning symbols or elements, or even defeating waves of enemies under specific conditions. Keep your wits about you and experiment with different strategies to surpass these obstacles.

Step 4: The Reward

Once you’ve navigated through the necessary quests and challenges, the Magnify Materia will be your reward. It's important to note that, due to the evolving nature of games and potential updates or patches from developers, the exact method and location for acquiring the Magnify Materia may vary. Always be on the lookout for hints within the game world or updates from the gaming community for any changes.

Maximizing Magnify Materia’s Potential

With the Magnify Materia in your possession, mastering its use becomes your next priority. Experiment with different combinations by linking it with various other Materia to discover powerful synergies. Remember that the extent of magnification decreases with each level of spell used; hence, using it judiciously depending on the situation is key.

Moreover, consider the strategic implications of placing it in either your weapon or armor slots. Linking it with offensive spells on your weapon maximizes damage output against groups, while pairing it with defensive or healing Materia on your armor ensures your party’s sustainability in prolonged battles.


Acquiring and utilizing the Magnify Materia effectively can tremendously enhance your combat capabilities in FF7 Rebirth. Though the journey to obtain it might be filled with challenges and puzzles, the payoff in terms of strategic depth and flexibility in battles is unparalleled. As you progress through the game and explore its vast world, keep an eye out for this game-changing Materia and prepare to take your gameplay experience to new heights.