FF7 Rebirth Moogle Trio How To Get

FF7 Rebirth Moogle Trio How To Get

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the much-anticipated sequel in the Final Fantasy VII Remake series. As with its predecessor, it brings back the magic and adventure that fans have loved for decades, introducing new elements and characters to keep the experience fresh and engaging. A standout feature in this latest entry is the inclusion of the Moogle Trio, a unique and valuable set of characters that players can add to their team. In this article, we’ll explore how to unlock the Moogle Trio in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, providing you with a detailed guide to ensure you don't miss out on these fantastic additions to your roster.

The Moogle Trio, known for their whimsical appearance and powerful abilities, are a must-have for players looking to maximize their gameplay experience in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Each member of the trio - Mog, Moggie, and Moguo - offers unique skills and benefits that can prove invaluable in various situations within the game. However, acquiring these characters isn't straightforward, as it involves a series of quests and challenges that players must navigate successfully.

Unlocking the Moogle Trio

To get started on your journey to unlock the Moogle Trio, you'll need to reach a certain point in the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth storyline. It is crucial to progress through the game until you've unlocked the Open World exploration feature. This milestone is essential as it grants you the freedom required to explore specific areas tied to the Moogle Trio’s unlock quests.

Step 1: Meeting Mog

Mog, the first member of the Moogle Trio, can be found in "Moogle Forest," a hidden location that players can access once they have the ability to explore freely. Finding Moogle Forest is a challenge in itself. The key is to follow clues provided by various NPCs throughout the game, hinting at a secret forest where Moogles gather. Once you've successfully located Moogle Forest, Mog will present you with a quest called "The Lost Moogle." Completing this quest involves finding Mog's lost items scattered throughout the forest. After returning all items to Mog, he will join your party as a gesture of gratitude.

Step 2: Unlocking Moggie

With Mog in your party, you'll gain access to special Moogle-specific areas previously inaccessible. One such area is where you'll find Moggie. To unlock Moggie, you must complete a series of puzzles Mog provides, which lead you to different parts of the world map. Each puzzle is intricately designed and challenges players with tasks ranging from deciphering cryptic messages to engaging in mini-games. Upon successfully solving all puzzles, you'll be guided to Moggie's location, where after helping him fend off a group of enemies attacking his home, he will agree to join your cause.

Step 3: Recruiting Moguo

Recruiting the final member of the trio, Moguo, is perhaps the most challenging part of this quest chain. Moguo resides in a secluded part of the map known as "Moguo's Peak." Reaching this location requires passing through dangerous territories filled with high-level monsters. Additionally, players must have both Mog and Moggie in their party to access Moguo's Peak, as their combined abilities are needed to unlock the path forward. Once at Moguo’s Peak, you will face a series of battles testing your strategic skills and party synergy. Upon defeating the final boss guarding Moguo, you will have the chance to persuade him to join your team. Moguo's recruitment quest highlights the importance of team dynamics and strategy within Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Benefits of Having the Moogle Trio

The addition of the Moogle Trio to your party opens up numerous gameplay advantages. Each Moogle has unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle, offering healing powers, magical attacks, and support skills that enhance your party’s overall strength. Moreover, having the trio in your team unlocks exclusive quests and side stories that delve deeper into their backgrounds and the lore of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Unlocking the Moogle Trio is no small feat, but the rewards are well worth the effort. These characters not only provide a strategic edge in battles but also add depth and variety to the gameplay experience. By following this guide and meeting each challenge head-on, players can ensure they don’t miss out on these valuable allies in their journey through Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Remember to stay patient, persevere through the game's challenges, and soon enough, you'll have the whimsical and mighty Moogle Trio at your side, ready to face whatever comes your way.