FF7 Rebirth New Game Plus Mode Explained

FF7 Rebirth New Game Plus Mode Explained

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth promises to be a groundbreaking continuation of the Final Fantasy VII Remake, expanding on its predecessor's legacy with innovative gameplay features, deeper character development, and a storyline that both respects and revitalizes the original epic. Among these new features, the introduction of a New Game Plus (NG+) mode stands out as a significant enhancement, offering players an opportunity to replay the adventure with added benefits. In this article, we'll dive into everything you need to know about the New Game Plus mode in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, detailing how it works, what you can expect, and tips on how to make the most out of your NG+ experience.

New Game Plus mode is a feature that allows players to start a new game while carrying over certain progressions from their completed save file. This can include character levels, abilities, equipment, and sometimes even story-related elements. NG+ modes are designed to give players new challenges and encourage them to explore different aspects of the game that they may have missed or neglected in their initial playthrough.

How New Game Plus Works in FF7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's NG+ mode unlocks after you've completed the game for the first time. To initiate NG+, you simply select it from the main menu, where you will be prompted to choose the save file you wish to carry over progress from. It's crucial to consider which save file you select, as your choice determines which abilities, materia, equipment, and other progress-specific elements you'll start your NG+ journey with.

What Carries Over

In FF7 Rebirth, the NG+ mode allows you to retain a wide array of your accomplishments from your initial playthrough. This includes:

  • Character Levels and Stats: Your party members' levels and developed stats carry over, giving you a head start.
  • Materia: All materia collected and its progression state will remain with you.
  • Equipment: Weapons, armor, and accessories are brought into your NG+ game.
  • Abilities: Any character-specific abilities learned throughout your first playthrough are immediately accessible in NG+.
  • Gil (Currency): Your accumulated wealth will not be reset, allowing for immediate investments in items or equipment upgrades.

What Changes

NG+ isn't just about making the game easier with carried-over progress; it also introduces new challenges and alterations to ensure the experience remains engaging:

  • Enemy Scaling: To keep battles challenging and rewarding, enemies are scaled up in difficulty. This means you'll face tougher opponents right from the beginning.
  • New Content: Some areas of the game may unlock new paths or contain additional quests that were not available in your first playthrough.
  • Alternative Story Elements: While the core storyline remains unchanged, NG+ may offer alternative scenes or dialogue options based on decisions made in your first play-through or the specific progress you've made.

How to Maximize Your New Game Plus Experience

To fully enjoy the NG+ mode in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, consider the following tips:

  1. Experiment with Different Builds: With all materia and equipment at your disposal from the start, NG+ is an excellent opportunity to try out different character builds and strategies that you may not have considered previously.
  2. Complete Missed Content: Use your enhanced capabilities to explore missed content or side quests from your initial playthrough. Discovering all that FF7 Rebirth has to offer can significantly enrich your gaming experience.
  3. Pay Attention to Story Details: With the pressure of survival somewhat alleviated, you can afford to pay more attention to the story's nuances. The rich narrative of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is layered with detail that's easy to miss on a first play-through.
  4. Challenge Yourself: Even with the advantages of NG+, don't shy away from maximizing the game's difficulty settings. Tackling harder challenges can provide a refreshing experience and unique rewards.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's New Game Plus mode is more than just a second run through the game; it's an entirely new experience loaded with potential discoveries and challenges. Whether you're aiming to uncover every secret, experiment with gameplay strategies, or simply relive the adventure with all your acquired might, NG+ offers something for every fan of this epic saga. With these insights into how NG+ works and ideas for making the most of it, you're now ready to embark on this thrilling journey once again.