FF7 Rebirth Pursuit Of Perfection Walkthrough

FF7 Rebirth Pursuit Of Perfection Walkthrough

Square Enix has once again captured the hearts of its fans with the announcement and subsequent updates surrounding FF7 Rebirth, the eagerly anticipated second installment in the Final Fantasy VII Remake project. With a legacy as rich and expansive as Final Fantasy VII's, the development team faces the daunting task of not only remaking a classic but also enhancing it for a modern audience. The Pursuit of Perfection walkthrough, a significant segment of FF7 Rebirth, encapsulates this challenge by offering players a blend of nostalgia and innovation. This article will guide you through this thrilling part of the game, ensuring you don't miss any critical steps or secrets on your journey.

Introduction to FF7 Rebirth's Pursuit of Perfection

FF7 Rebirth reimagines the original journey with an impressive level of depth, taking players beyond Midgar and into the vast world that lies beyond. The Pursuit of Perfection is not just a single quest but a series of intertwined stories and gameplay mechanics aimed at reminiscing about the past while pushing towards an optimal future. This walkthrough will cover key points including character progression, strategic combat tips, and secret discoveries that define this expansive journey.

Getting Started: Preparing Your Team

As you embark on the Pursuit of Perfection, your starting point is critically important. Ensuring Cloud and the team are well-equipped is paramount. Consider revisiting previous areas to gather any missed items or materials that could prove beneficial moving forward. It's also crucial to assess your Materia setup; elemental affinities and healing capabilities will significantly affect your success in upcoming battles.

Core Gameplay Mechanics

FF7 Rebirth introduces refined combat mechanics that build upon the success of its predecessor. Transitioning smoothly between real-time combat and strategic command-based decisions is key. Mastering the use of ATB charges, which allow characters to perform special abilities or use items beyond basic attacks, can turn the tide of battle. For the Pursuit of Perfection, understanding each party member's strengths and weaknesses will let you form strategies that utilize their full potential.

The Heart of Pursuit: Key Missions and Challenges

At the core of the Pursuit of Perfection are missions that will challenge your tactical acumen and adaptability. Without delving into spoilers, one can expect scenarios that require you to protect certain allies, stealthily infiltrate enemy strongholds, or engage in high-octane battles against formidable foes. Each mission not only progresses the story but also tests your mastery over the game's mechanics.

Character Progression and Side Quests

Side quests in FF7 Rebirth are not mere diversions; they are essential for achieving perfection. These quests often lead to invaluable rewards such as rare Materia, powerful equipment, or just essential experience points for leveling up your team. Character progression is deeply intertwined with these activities, with certain narratives unlocking unique abilities for your characters or enhancing their stats significantly.

The Importance of Exploration

Exploration is rewarded generously in FF7 Rebirth. The world is filled with hidden treasures and secret areas that can only be accessed by keen observers or those willing to venture off the beaten path. In your Pursuit of Perfection, pay close attention to environmental cues and dialogue from NPCs—the game cleverly hides clues that can lead you to some of its most precious secrets.

Boss Battles: Precision and Strategy

Boss battles in the Pursuit of Perfection segment are epic in scale and require precise strategy to overcome. Analyzing boss patterns and preparing your Materia and equipment accordingly is essential. Elemental weaknesses play a significant role, as does timing your defensive maneuvers to mitigate damage or counterattack effectively.

Community Tips and Tricks

Drawing from the extensive FF7 community can provide additional insights and strategies for navigating the Pursuit of Perfection. Online forums and social media groups are bustling with passionate fans sharing their discoveries, whether it’s a hidden boss weakness or an efficient grinding spot for quick leveling.


FF7 Rebirth’s Pursuit of Perfection is a testament to Square Enix’s dedication to revitalizing a beloved classic while setting new standards in storytelling, gameplay, and visual excellence. This walkthrough aims to serve as a foundation for your adventures, spotlighting essential strategies and tips to maximize your experience. Remember, the pursuit is not just about achieving perfection but also about relishing the journey, discovering its secrets, and embracing its challenges head-on. As FF7 Rebirth continues to unfold its captivating narrative and gameplay innovations, players worldwide are set for an unforgettable adventure that honors its origins while paving new paths ahead.