FF7 Rebirth Teach Me Great Warrior Walkthrough

FF7 Rebirth Teach Me Great Warrior Walkthrough

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth continues to captivate players with its rich narrative, intense battles, and intricate gameplay mechanics, building upon the legacy of its predecessors in the Final Fantasy VII Remake project. A standout moment in this journey is the "Teach Me Great Warrior" segment, which not only offers a nostalgic nod to the original game but also provides an opportunity for newcomers and veterans alike to deepen their understanding and mastery of the game's layered combat and strategy. In this walkthrough, we'll guide you step by step through this pivotal chapter, ensuring you make the most of the teachings of the Great Warrior and prepare adequately for the challenges that lie ahead.

Understanding the "Teach Me Great Warrior" Section

This sequence serves as both a tutorial and challenge, enhancing players' tactical skills and understanding of game mechanics. Developed with the intent of providing a comprehensive learning experience, players are introduced to advanced combat strategies, materia combinations, and character-specific skills that are crucial for progress.

Recognizing the Importance of Materia

Materia is at the heart of FF7 Rebirth's strategy, and the "Teach Me Great Warrior" section goes deep into explaining the nuances of materia use, emphasizing its role in combat customization. Players learn about the synergy between different types of materia, how to enhance their characters' abilities effectively, and the importance of adapting their materia loadout to suit various battle conditions.

Mastering Character Abilities

Each character in FF7 Rebirth has a unique set of abilities that can be leveraged in battle. This tutorial segment encourages players to experiment with these abilities, understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and how they can be combined effectively in combat scenarios. Special attention is given to limit breaks, their charging mechanics, and strategic deployment.

Combat Strategy and Enemy Analysis

An essential part of "Teach Me Great Warrior" is teaching players how to analyze enemy weaknesses and craft battle strategies accordingly. The segment covers the Assess Materia’s role in revealing vital information about foes, underscoring the importance of preparation and adaptability in achieving victory.

Exploration and Interaction

Beyond combat, FF7 Rebirth celebrates exploration and interaction within its vibrant world. "Teach Me Great Warrior" includes tips on engaging with NPCs, solving environmental puzzles, and uncovering hidden treasures. This part of the tutorial underscores the significance of curiosity and engagement with the game's expansive universe.

Practical Application: A Mini-Campaign

After the comprehensive tutorials, players are thrown into a mini-campaign designed to put their newly acquired knowledge to the test. This segment combines combat challenges, puzzles, and story elements, allowing players to apply what they've learned in a controlled yet immersive environment. Success here signals a readiness to tackle the wider challenges present in FF7 Rebirth.

Key Takeaways from "Teach Me Great Warrior"

  1. Materia Mastery: Understanding how to combine and utilize Materia effectively is crucial for both survival and strategic advantage.
  2. Character Specialization: Familiarize yourself with each character's unique abilities and consider how they can complement each other in battle.
  3. Strategic Adaptability: Always be prepared to adapt your strategy based on enemy assessments and battle conditions.
  4. Exploration Benefits: Engaging deeply with the game's world through exploration and interaction can yield substantial rewards.
  5. Practice Makes Perfect: The mini-campaign serves as a practical exam for all the lessons learned; embrace it with a mindset of applying your knowledge rather than just getting through it.


"Teach Me Great Warrior" offers more than just a refresher or introductory course into the world of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth; it's an invitation to master the game's depth in combat strategy, character development, and world interaction. Whether you're a seasoned player familiar with the Final Fantasy universe or a newcomer eager to dive deep into this acclaimed series, this segment is designed to elevate your gameplay experience significantly. As you progress beyond this tutorial and into the vast world of FF7 Rebirth, remember the lessons taught by the Great Warrior—they are foundational steps towards becoming a true hero in this beautifully reconstructed universe.