Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Best Materia Types Combos

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Best Materia Types Combos

Embarking on the epic journey that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth promises to deliver, players will once again dive into the richly expanded world of Gaia, equipped with a plethora of Materias to enhance their gameplay experience. Materia, the magical orbs providing characters with spells, abilities, stat boosts, and various effects, has been a cornerstone of the Final Fantasy VII universe, and its strategic implementation is just as crucial in Rebirth.

The beauty and complexity of Materia combinations lie in their capacity to tailor gameplay according to individual playstyles. Whether you prefer to steamroll enemies with overwhelming power, outlast them with superior defense, or outsmart them with tactical magic and abilities, understanding the best Materia combos is essential.

Offensive Combos

For players who prioritize offense, pairing Magic Materia with Amplify Materia can significantly increase the damage output of spells. This is particularly effective for spells like Firaga or Thundaga, which already pack a hefty punch. When linked with Amplify, these spells can clear out groups of enemies in a flash or severely damage bosses.

Another potent offensive combo involves linking Summon Materia with Support Materia. For example, equipping Bahamut with the MP Absorb Materia allows characters to deal substantial damage while replenishing their MP, enabling continuous use of high-cost spells without running out of magic resources.

Defensive Combos

On the defensive side, combining Barrier Materia with Magnify can provide party-wide defensive buffs. This is crucial for mitigating damage during tough boss fights where area-of-effect (AoE) attacks are common. Additionally, linking HP Up and MP Up Materias enhances survivability by increasing max HP and MP, a straightforward yet effective strategy for enduring prolonged battles.

Elemental Materia, when linked with armor, offers a unique defense mechanism by either nullifying, absorbing, or halving damage from specific elemental attacks. Understanding enemy weaknesses and preferences can turn a potentially devastating attack into a source of strength by absorbing it as HP or drastically reducing incoming damage.

Supportive Combos

Support combos are vital for enhancing the effectiveness of other Materias or providing utility in battle. The classic combination of Time Materia with Magnify grants the entire party increased speed via Haste or can slow down all enemies, shifting the battle's pace in your favor.

Pairing the Revive Materia with Final Attack ensures that if the character equipped falls in battle, they automatically cast Revive on themselves or an ally, making it an essential safety net during critical moments.

Tactical Combos

Tactical-minded players might appreciate the synergy between Steal or Mug with Luck Up Materia. Increased Luck improves the chances of successfully stealing from enemies while also enhancing critical hit rates. This combo not only supports a more guerrilla-warfare approach by pilfering valuable items but also increases overall damage potential.

Moreover, manipulating enemy behavior using the Manipulate Materia combined with Status Effect spells (such as Sleep, Poison, Silence) can turn the tide of battle by controlling or debilitating opponents, allowing for strategic attacks or buffs without retaliation.

Community Discoveries

Engagement with the community unveils innovative combos that developers may not have anticipated. Forums and social media platforms dedicated to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth have reported unique combinations like linking Counter Attack with Cover. This enables a character to protect allies and retaliate against any physical attack, perfect for characters built as tanks.


In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, mastering Materia combos unlocks a depth of tactical gameplay that can cater to a broad spectrum of strategies and playstyles. From devastating offensive strategies and impenetrable defenses to clever support tactics and unique tactical maneuvers, the potential for creativity is boundless. Successful players will experiment with various combinations to discover what best suits their preferred approach to overcoming the challenges that await in Gaia. As the community continues to explore and share their findings, even more ingenious combinations are sure to emerge, enriching the collective experience of this beloved title.