Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth How To Beat Every Fort Condor Game In Junon Normal And Hard Mode

Square Enix's "Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth" isn't just a continuation of the cherished story; it introduces refined gameplay mechanisms and strategic depth, particularly through the updated Fort Condor mini-game. Nestled within the bustling military hub of Junon, this board game pits players against challenging AI opponents, demanding strategical acumen for victory. Here, we provide a comprehensive guide to dominating the Fort Condor battles in Junon across both Normal and Hard modes.

Understanding the Basics

Fort Condor in "FF7 Rebirth" diverges slightly from its predecessor, meshing RTS elements with turn-based strategy. The objective is simple: defeat your opponent’s headquarters before they demolish yours. You dispatch units onto the field that autonomously march towards the enemy base, battling any foes they encounter. Each unit belongs to one of three categories: Vanguard (melee), Range (projectile), and Defense (tanks or barriers). The rock-paper-scissors dynamic between these categories is crucial: Vanguard beats Range, Range beats Defense, and Defense beats Vanguard.

Managing ATB and Units

ATB (Active Time Battle) is your resource for deploying units. This gauge fills over time, with faster accumulation rates at higher levels. Each unit costs a certain amount of ATB to deploy. Managing this resource effectively is key to maintaining pressure on your opponent while also keeping enough in reserve for crucial counters.

In "FF7 Rebirth," you can modify your deck before each match. Early in Junon, your unit choices might be limited, but it’s essential to have a balanced deck that includes all three unit types. Pay attention to unit costs; having a mix of low, medium, and high-cost units ensures you can always react to your opponent’s moves.

Junon Battles: Tips for Normal Mode

  1. Balance Your Deck: Initially, have a 2:1:2 ratio for Vanguard, Defense, and Range respectively. This setup provides flexibility against varied opponents.
  2. Gauge Your Opponent: Spend the first few matches understanding each opponent's tendencies. Some might favor a particular type, allowing you to counter them effectively in subsequent games.
  3. Economic Warfare: Occupy the materia points on the board early. These points generate extra ATB, giving you an advantage in unit deployment.

Escalating to Hard Mode

Hard mode ramps up the challenge by enhancing the AI's strategy and unit composition. Victory here requires not just understanding the basics but mastering them.

  1. Customize Your Deck: By now, you should have access to more units. Tailor your deck to counter specific opponents, emphasizing units that can efficiently counter their preferred strategies.
  2. Learn from Losses: Hard mode will test you. Each loss is an opportunity to refine your strategy. Pay attention to which units were most effective against you and adjust accordingly.
  3. Master Counter Deployments: Timing and placement become even more crucial. Deploying a ranged unit to counter an incoming Vanguard at the last possible moment can save ATB and preserve your units for a stronger counter-attack.

Advanced Strategies

  • Feint and Switch: Deploy a cheap unit to lure out an opponent's counter, then quickly follow up with a unit strong against their choice.
  • Board Control: Don’t just push towards the enemy headquarters; controlling the board with strategic unit placements can choke off your opponent’s options.
  • Special Units and Spells: Pay attention to unique units and spells at your disposal. Using these effectively can turn the tide of battle. However, remember that spells cost precious ATB and should be used wisely.


Winning Fort Condor battles in Junon on both Normal and Hard modes demands more than just good strategy; it’s about adaptability, managing your resources efficiently, and learning from each encounter. Start with a balanced deck and refine your approach based on your opponents' strategies. Remember, every loss is a lesson that inches you closer to mastery.

Whether you're a series veteran or new to the world of Final Fantasy, "FF7 Rebirth" offers a compelling blend of narrative depth and strategic gameplay. The Fort Condor mini-game is a testament to this blend, offering hours of engaging content that rewards tactical skill and strategic foresight. Keep these strategies in mind as you battle your way through Junon, and may your units always find the path to victory.