Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth How To Win All Gears Gambits Cosmo Canyon Protorelic Guide

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth How To Win All Gears Gambits Cosmo Canyon Protorelic Guide

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth continues the grand tradition of its predecessors by delivering a compelling narrative intertwined with gripping gameplay mechanics. One of the standout features in this installment is the Gear's Gambits challenge located in the mystical locale of Cosmo Canyon. This challenge not only tests your strategic acumen but also offers the tantalizing prospect of acquiring unique Protorelics, valuable items that can significantly bolster your party's capabilities. This guide aims to unravel the mysteries of Gear's Gambits, ensuring you emerge victorious while securing all Protorelics.

Understanding Gear's Gambits

Gear's Gambits is a series of strategic battles that require not only strength but also tactical thinking. Situated in Cosmo Canyon, this challenge pits players against formidable enemies in a structured sequence. Winning these battles demands a thorough understanding of your characters' abilities, effective use of materia, and strategic party formation.

Preparation Is Key

Before diving into the challenge, ensure your party is well-equipped and adequately leveled. Upgrade your weapons and stock up on healing items and ethers. Materia plays a crucial role in these battles, so having a well-thought-out materia setup that complements the strengths of your party is essential. Elemental weaknesses and status ailments can turn the tide of battle, so equip materia that can exploit these vulnerabilities.

Battle Strategies

1. Analyzing Your Opponent

Each battle in Gear's Gambits requires a unique approach. Pay close attention to the hints provided before each fight, as they can offer invaluable insights into your opponents' weaknesses and recommended strategies.

2. Balanced Party Composition

Having a balanced team that includes characters capable of dealing robust physical damage, utilizing magic for both offense and healing, and applying status effects is vital. Cloud's versatility makes him an excellent choice for dealing damage and supporting roles. Aerith's magical prowess is unparalleled for healing and offensive spells, while Tifa excels at rapidly dealing physical damage.

3. Effective Use of Limit Breaks

Limit breaks can significantly impact the outcome of difficult battles. Saving your limit breaks for critical moments, such as when an enemy is about to unleash a devastating attack or when your party needs immediate healing, can be a game-changer.

4. Strategic Materia Placement

Materia combinations can drastically enhance your party's performance. Pairing elemental materia with weapons to exploit enemies' weaknesses or using support materia like Magnify with healing spells to ensure your party's longevity are strategies that shouldn't be overlooked.

Winning The Gears Gambits

Winning each battle in Gear's Gambits will reward you with rare items and eventually lead to acquiring sought-after Protorelics. These unique items offer significant advantages, from enhancing specific abilities to granting new powers entirely.

Protorelic Guide

  • The Earth's Fury: This Protorelic increases the user's resistance to earth-based attacks while enhancing their physical attacks with earth elemental damage.
  • Aqua Heart: Aqua Heart offers enhanced protection against water-based attacks and allows the user's magical attacks to embody water elemental properties, providing an edge over enemies weak against water.
  • Wind Dancer's Grace: A boon for those relying on agility and speed, this Protorelic boosts evasion and counterattack rates, making it perfect for agile characters like Tifa.

To secure these relics, attention to detail and adapting your strategy based on the flow of battle are paramount. For instance, leveraging the Earth's Fury Protorelic requires you to recognize when earth-based attacks or defenses are most beneficial, adapting your strategy around this elemental focus.

In Conclusion

Completing Gear's Gambits and acquiring all Protorelics in Cosmo Canyon is no small feat. However, with careful preparation, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of your party's capabilities, you can overcome these challenges. Remember, adaptability is key—each battle may require a different approach, and flexibility in your strategies will ensure your success.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth invites players into a richly detailed world filled with challenges and rewards. Conquering Gear's Gambits not only provides you with powerful Protorelics but also proves your mastery over the game’s strategic depths. Equip these relics wisely, and let them guide you through the myriad adventures that lie ahead in this reimagined classic.