How To Deal With The Butler In Lethal Company

How To Deal With The Butler In Lethal Company
How To Deal With The Butler In Lethal Company

In the enigmatic and thrilling world of Lethal Company, players find themselves weaving through a narrative rich with intrigue, stealth, and strategic gameplay. One of the pivotal points in this engaging experience is the encounter with the Butler, a character who blends seamlessly into the gothic ambiance of the game but stands out with his unique challenges and role in the unfolding mystery.

Dealing with the Butler is not merely a matter of brute force or sheer luck; it requires a combination of strategy, patience, and keen observation. Players who have ventured through the shadowy corridors and secret-laden rooms of Lethal Company know well that every character interaction can pivot the game's direction, and the Butler is no exception.

Understanding the Butler

The first step in navigating this encounter is to understand the Butler's role and behavior. Unlike other characters who may attack on sight or flee, the Butler's actions are more nuanced. He patrols the estate with an air of duty, responding to disturbances, investigating noises, and always keeping an eye out for trespassers. However, his loyalty is to the estate and its secrets, not necessarily to the player's enemies.

Utilizing Stealth

Stealth is your greatest ally in dealing with the Butler. This means carefully observing his patrol routes and learning his patterns. The game's design allows for multiple approaches, but patience is key. Wait for him to enter a room and then quietly follow, making sure to stay out of his direct line of sight. Use the environment to your advantage — behind curtains, under tables, and within shadows. The game’s mechanics are such that stealth actions contribute to your skills development, making future encounters potentially easier to navigate.

Environmental Distractions

Distractions can be an effective strategy in moving the Butler away from areas you need to access. The estate is filled with objects that can be interacted with to create noise or visual distractions. However, use this tactic judiciously. The Butler will grow suspicious if distractions happen too frequently or if they seem out of place. The key here is subtlety; a mild noise that draws him into another room rather than an overt disturbance that puts him on high alert.

Dialogue and Deception

At certain junctures, direct interaction with the Butler may be unavoidable. The game's dialogue system allows for a variety of conversation paths. Some options can lead to misleading the Butler, convincing him you belong in the estate or are there with benign intentions. Pay attention to hints earlier in the game about the kinds of responses that might appeal to his sense of duty or his own hidden desires. Successfully navigating these conversations can make him an unwitting ally, at least temporarily.

Advanced Gadgets and Skills

As players progress through Lethal Company, they gain access to gadgets and skills that can aid in handling challenging characters like the Butler. From cloaking devices that render you momentarily invisible to gadgets that mimic sounds or even the voices of other characters, these tools should be used strategically. Remember, overuse of any gadget can lead to detection if the Butler notices something is amiss.

Facing the Butler: The Confrontation

There may come a time when confrontation is unavoidable. If it comes to this, knowing how to defend yourself without drawing undue attention is crucial. Non-lethal takedowns are preferred, as they align with the game's emphasis on stealth and strategy over violence. Always be aware of your surroundings during such encounters; sometimes, the environment itself offers a solution to quickly and quietly move past the Butler.

The Moral Choice

Integral to Lethal Company's narrative is the element of choice and its consequences. How you choose to deal with the Butler can influence the unfolding story and your character's development. The game encourages players to consider the implications of their actions, not just for immediate obstacles but for future interactions and story arcs.


Navigating the encounter with the Butler in Lethal Company embodies the game’s core mechanics of stealth, strategy, and moral complexity. Understanding his patterns, using the environment to your advantage, employing gadgets judiciously, and making informed choices based on dialogue interactions are all keys to progressing beyond this formidable obstacle. Remember that every action or inaction carries weight in Lethal Company’s deeply immersive world. How you choose to deal with the Butler not only reflects your gameplay style but also shapes your journey through this captivating narrative.