How To Get And Use The Jetpack In The Planet Crafter

How To Get And Use The Jetpack In The Planet Crafter

In the vast and captivating sandbox of The Planet Crafter, players embark on a monumental quest to terraform a barren world into a thriving ecosystem. One of the most exhilarating tools at your disposal in this interstellar adventure is the jetpack. This device not only enhances your mobility but also opens new avenues for exploration and resource collection. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to acquire and effectively utilize the jetpack in The Planet Crafter.

Getting the Jetpack

The process of acquiring the jetpack in The Planet Crafter is one that requires patience and a bit of exploration. Unlike some of the other tools and machines available from the outset or crafted using the initial blueprints, the jetpack blueprint needs to be found.

Locating the Blueprint

To get your hands on this coveted piece of technology, you'll need to explore various crash sites scattered across the planet's surface. These crash sites are remnants of failed colonization attempts and contain crates and other debris. Among these wrecks, you have a chance to find the jetpack blueprint. It's essential to thoroughly investigate each site you come across, as blueprints can often blend in with their surroundings or be hidden in less obvious parts of the wreckage.

Once you've successfully secured the blueprint, it’s time to head back to your base or workshop to begin the crafting process.

Crafting Requirements

Crafting the jetpack involves gathering specific resources, which can vary depending on the version of the game or updates released by the developers. Typically, crafting a jetpack requires a combination of high-grade metals and composite materials, which may include:

  • Titanium
  • Iridium
  • Super Alloy

These materials are found in different biomes and may require you to have advanced mining tools or equipment to access them. Ensure you have a robust resource collection setup to simplify the gathering process.

Using the Jetpack

With the jetpack now part of your arsenal, it’s vital to understand how to use it effectively for exploration and resource gathering.

Controls and Mechanics

Activating the jetpack is usually done through a keybind or button press, which may vary depending on your platform (PC, console). The jetpack is equipped with a fuel gauge that depletes as you use it to soar through the skies. Managing this fuel is crucial, as running out mid-air can lead to a less-than-graceful landing.

Exploration and Utility

The primary advantage of having a jetpack is the unparalleled mobility it offers. You can quickly traverse over rough terrain, leap over obstacles, or reach elevated areas that were previously inaccessible. This ability is especially useful for accessing rare minerals found in hard-to-reach locations or escaping from perilous situations.

Moreover, the jetpack allows for more efficient base expansion. By giving you the ability to easily survey from above, you can plan your base layout more effectively and spot potential resource nodes with ease.

Tips for Maximizing Jetpack Use

  • Always keep an eye on your fuel levels. Consider returning to base or a fuel cache to refill before venturing too far.
  • Use short, controlled bursts for better fuel management and more precise movements.
  • Be mindful of your altitude and landing zones. Falling from great heights can still cause injury, even with a jetpack.
  • Explore strategically. Use your enhanced mobility to scout out areas rich in resources or ideal for base expansion.


The jetpack in The Planet Crafter is a game-changer, offering unprecedented freedom and control over how you explore and harness the planet's resources. By finding the blueprint, gathering the necessary materials for crafting, and mastering its use, you can significantly expedite your terraforming mission. The planet's transformation from a desolate wasteland into a lush paradise lies not only in sophisticated machinery and ecological understanding but also in conquering its vast terrains - a task made infinitely more enjoyable with the jetpack at your disposal. As you soar above craters and glide over mountains, remember that every flight brings you one step closer to your ultimate goal: creating a new home among the stars.