How To Get And Use The SG 8 Punisher In Helldivers 2

How To Get And Use The SG 8 Punisher In Helldivers 2
How To Get And Use The SG 8 Punisher In Helldivers 2How To Get And Use The SG 8 Punisher In Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2, the much-anticipated sequel to the 2015 strategic, multiplayer shoot-'em-up, Helldivers, has arrived with a host of new weapons, enemies, and planets to liberate. Among the plethora of armaments at your disposal is the SG-8 Punisher, a weapon that has quickly become a favorite for its raw power and versatility. In this guide, we will delve into how to obtain and effectively use the SG-8 Punisher to ensure liberty and democracy across the galaxy.

Obtaining the SG-8 Punisher

The SG-8 Punisher isn't available from the start. To unlock this powerhouse shotgun, Helldivers must complete specific missions known as Hell Dives on planets with a difficulty rating of 7 or higher. These missions are not for the faint of heart, as they pit you against some of the toughest opponents in the game. Coordination and teamwork are key, as these dives will test all aspects of your strategic and combat skills.

Each successful Hell Dive increases your chances of unlocking the SG-8 Punisher through the rewards system post-mission. However, it's crucial to note that rewards are somewhat randomized, so persistence is necessary. Participating in events and community challenges also presents an alternative path towards unlocking this weapon.

Features and Upgrades

The SG-8 Punisher is a versatile weapon with significant stopping power, making it an excellent choice for close to mid-range combat. Its primary feature is its high damage output per shot, capable of taking down most enemies with a single blast. Additionally, its spread ensures you can hit multiple targets in one go, provided they're close together.

Upgrading the SG-8 Punisher enhances its performance significantly. Upgrades include increased magazine size, reduced reload time, and a tighter spread for improved accuracy at range. Each upgrade requires research points, which are earned by leveling up or completing objectives and missions.

Tactical Usage

With its potent firepower, the SG-8 Punisher excels in various combat situations. Here are several tactics to maximize its effectiveness:

  • Close Quarters Combat: Its shotgun nature makes the SG-8 Punisher ideal for tight environments where enemies tend to cluster together. Clearing out rooms or defending objectives against waves of enemies becomes much easier.
  • Crowd Control: The weapon’s spread allows Helldivers to manage larger groups of enemies efficiently. Positioning yourself to line up shots that can impact multiple targets is key to leveraging its full potential.
  • Target Prioritization: High-value targets that pose significant threats should be your primary focus. The SG-8 Punisher can usually take down heavy infantry with a single well-placed shot at close to medium range, allowing your team to focus on lesser threats.

Synergies with Other Equipment

The utility of the SG-8 Punisher is further enhanced when combined with appropriate stratagems and equipment. Consider pairing it with:

  • Shield Generator: Close-quarters combat exposes you to return fire; a shield can give you that extra layer of protection needed to get in, unleash a devastating salvo, and get out safely.
  • Ammo Stratagems: Given its high rate of fire in intense situations, running out of ammo can be a concern. Deploying ammo drops strategically ensures you can sustain your offensive without having to retreat.
  • Anti-Tank Stratagems: For all its strengths, the SG-8 Punisher struggles against heavily armored foes like tanks. Having anti-tank stratagems at the ready allows you to address one of the few weaknesses of this weapon.


The SG-8 Punisher is a formidable weapon in Helldivers 2, offering unparalleled power in close to mid-range engagements. Unlocking it might require some dedication, but its effectiveness on the battlefield is well worth the effort. By understanding how to leverage its strengths and mitigate its weaknesses through strategic use and appropriate equipment synergy, you can turn the tide of many battles in favor of Super Earth's global defense force. Remember: managing your ammo and positioning are key, and with the SG-8 Punisher in your arsenal, you'll be a significant asset to any squad looking to spread managed democracy throughout the galaxy.