How To Get Uranium In The Planet Crafter

How To Get Uranium In The Planet Crafter

In the immersive world of The Planet Crafter, players are tasked with the monumental challenge of terraforming a barren wasteland into a thriving ecosystem. A key element in achieving this transformation is obtaining and utilizing various resources scattered across the planet's surface. Uranium, a rare and highly sought-after resource, plays a crucial role in advancing your technological capabilities and fueling the machinery necessary for terraforming efforts. This guide will provide you with comprehensive strategies and tips on how to get uranium in The Planet Crafter.

Uranium in The Planet Crafter serves as a core component for crafting advanced structures and equipment. It is essential for building nuclear reactors, which are pivotal for powering your base with high efficiency. Finding Uranium, however, is no small feat, given its rarity and the dangers involved in its procurement.

Where to Find Uranium

Uranium can be found in various locations across the planet, primarily within caves and around rocky areas. Its distinctive green glow makes it easier to spot in the otherwise bleak landscape. However, venturing into these areas comes with its own set of challenges, including navigating through complex cave systems and protecting yourself from environmental hazards.


Specific biomes are more likely to contain uranium deposits. The Mountain and Desert biomes, in particular, have a higher chance of housing uranium. It is advised to thoroughly explore these areas, keeping an eye on the ground for the characteristic green shimmer of uranium ore.

Resource Crates

Another method of obtaining uranium is through resource crates scattered across the planet. These crates can contain a variety of resources, including uranium. While relying on resource crates is less reliable than direct mining, they can still provide a decent supply, especially in the early stages of the game.

Mining Uranium

Once you've located a deposit of uranium, mining it is the next step. To do this, you'll need a drill. As of the latest updates, the basic drill is sufficient for extracting uranium from deposits. Approach the deposit with your drill equipped and activate it to begin mining. Be prepared; mining uranium takes longer than extracting most other resources.

Safety Precautions

Handling uranium is not without its risks. Exposure to uranium can significantly impact your health stats due to radiation. To mitigate this risk, ensure you have the necessary protective gear before handling uranium. Crafting a radiation suit is advised when planning to mine uranium or handle it in large quantities. Keep an eye on your health stats and have medical supplies on hand to address any radiation poisoning that may occur.

Uses of Uranium

With uranium in your inventory, you can now craft crucial components for your terraforming project. Here are principal uses:

  • Nuclear Reactors: The primary use of uranium is in building nuclear reactors, providing a substantial power boost to your base.
  • Advanced Crafting: Some advanced machinery and gadgets require uranium in their construction.

Storing Uranium

Due to its radioactive nature, storing uranium safely is essential for maintaining a healthy living environment. Dedicated storage units that shield radiation should be used to store uranium and any equipment containing it.

Tips and Tricks

  • Efficient Exploration: Utilize vehicles for faster exploration across different biomes. This increases your chances of finding uranium deposits.
  • Resource Management: Keep track of uranium deposits when found. Due to its rarity, plan your usage carefully to avoid unnecessary wastage.
  • Radiation Monitoring: Always monitor your radiation exposure level when mining or handling uranium. Prioritize crafting a radiation suit as soon as possible.


Obtaining uranium in The Planet Crafter is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor that significantly advances your terraforming capabilities. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you can efficiently gather this crucial resource while minimizing the associated risks. Remember to explore cautiously, equip yourself adequately, and manage your resources wisely as you work towards transforming a desolate planet into a vibrant oasis.