How To Hack A Terminal In Fallout 76

How To Hack A Terminal In Fallout 76

Hacking terminals is a fundamental skill in Fallout 76 that players must master to access secured locations, gather information, and sometimes complete quests. The game continues the tradition set by its predecessors, offering a hacking mini-game that combines logic, a bit of strategy, and some guesswork. This article will guide you through the steps of hacking terminals in Fallout 76, offering tips to improve your success rate and unlock those coveted secrets hidden behind digital locks.

Understanding Terminal Security Levels

Terminals in Fallout 76 are categorized into five security levels: 0 (Novice), 1 (Advanced), 2 (Expert), 3 (Master), and 5 (automatic story-related unlocks that don’t require hacking skills). The ability to hack each level is governed by your character's "Hacker" perk cards. Initially, you can hack level 0 terminals. To tackle higher levels, you must upgrade the Hacker perk under the Intelligence attribute by equipping its advanced versions: Expert Hacker and Master Hacker. Interestingly, stacking these cards enhances your hacking abilities, enabling you to take on more complex terminals.

The Hacking Process

The hacking mini-game in Fallout 76 presents you with a screen filled with lines of jumbled characters interspersed with potential passwords. These passwords are typically shown in a different color for easier identification. The objective is straightforward: select the correct password from a list of possibilities. Here’s how:

  1. Initial Guess: Start by selecting any word. The game will then inform you how many letters in your chosen word exactly match the location and letter of the correct password.
  2. Analyzing Feedback: Use the feedback from your initial guess to make an educated second guess. Look for words that share similarities with your first choice based on the number of letters that matched.
  3. Eliminating Duds: To aid in your guessing, the terminal contains special character sets that can remove wrong passwords or replenish your allowed attempts. These sets are usually enclosed in matching brackets ([], {}, <>, ()). Hovering over them will highlight the set, and selecting one could either remove an incorrect password or reset your attempts.
  4. Narrowing Down Choices: Based on the feedback from your guesses and removing duds, continue to refine your choices focusing on the number of matching letters to arrive at the correct password.

Strategy Tips

  • Always start with a word that has unique letters to maximize the chances of discovering which letters are correct.
  • Before making any guesses, skim through the clutter to find and activate those special character sets. This could potentially make your job easier by clearing out incorrect passwords or giving you more attempts if you're running low.
  • If after a few guesses you feel stuck, it's sometimes better to exit the terminal and start again. This resets your attempt count and scrambles the words, possibly presenting you with a more favorable set of options.
  • Practice makes perfect. The more you hack, the better you'll become at spotting patterns and eliminating incorrect choices quickly.

Beyond Hacking: Additional Tips

  • Upgrading your Intelligence attribute not only allows you access to higher-level Hacker perks but also makes your character better at crafting and repairs.
  • In multiplayer, team up with others who have different levels of hacking skills. This way, you can access a wider array of terminals without each player needing to max out their Hacker perk.
  • Keep an eye out for magazines such as "Total Hack" which can temporarily improve your hacking skill or offer other benefits related to terminals.


Hacking in Fallout 76 may seem daunting at first, but like any skill in the game, it becomes more manageable with practice and strategy. By understanding how the hacking game works, using your first guess wisely, leveraging the ability to eliminate incorrect passwords, and applying tips to enhance your hacking prowess, you'll find yourself breezing through terminals that once seemed impenetrable. Not only does this open up new areas and resources for you and your team, but it also adds an enjoyable layer of depth to exploring the vast, post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 76. Happy hacking!