How To Reduce Motion Sickness In House Flipper 2

How To Reduce Motion Sickness In House Flipper 2

Motion sickness in video games, often characterized by dizziness, nausea, and discomfort, can significantly impede enjoyment and playtime, especially in titles that involve a lot of movement and visual changes, such as House Flipper 2. Whether you're renovating a quaint cottage or overhauling a sprawling mansion, the immersive experience shouldn't be marred by physical discomfort. Fortunately, there are several tips and adjustments you can apply to reduce or even eliminate motion sickness while playing.

Understanding Motion Sickness in Gaming

Before diving into the solutions, it's essential to understand why motion sickness occurs in video games. Motion sickness, or simulator sickness in this context, arises from a discrepancy between what your eyes see and what your body feels. In the virtual world of House Flipper 2, your eyes are feeding information to your brain about moving through a 3D space, but your body remains stationary. This conflict can cause your brain to react with symptoms of motion sickness.

Adjusting Game Settings

The first line of defense against motion sickness is tweaking the game settings. Many modern games, including House Flipper 2, offer options designed to alleviate players' discomfort.

  • Field of View (FOV): Increasing the FOV can help reduce nausea by showing more of the game world at once, decreasing the tunnel vision effect that can lead to discomfort. A wider FOV helps your brain reconcile the movement it's seeing with the lack of physical motion.
  • Motion Blur: Turning off motion blur is another effective adjustment. Motion blur attempts to mimic how fast-moving objects appear in real life but can often exacerbate motion sickness in games by blurring the details your eyes are trying to focus on.
  • Camera Shake: Reducing or disabling camera shake can also make a significant difference. Camera shake tries to add realism to actions like demolition and heavy machinery operation in House Flipper 2 but can be disorienting for some players.

Screen and Environment Adjustments

The setup of your gaming environment and monitor can also play a crucial role in preventing motion sickness.

  • Screen Positioning: Ensure your monitor or screen is at least an arm's length away and positioned so that the top of the screen is at or slightly below eye level. This helps reduce strain on your eyes and neck, lessening the potential for motion sickness.
  • Lighting: Proper lighting is vital. Avoid playing in complete darkness. Use ambient lighting to reduce the contrast between your screen and the surrounding environment, alleviating strain on your eyes.

Taking Breaks

Taking regular breaks is critical, not just for reducing motion sickness, but also for your overall health during gaming marathons. Pause your play sessions every 30 minutes to an hour to stand up, stretch, and focus your eyes on something other than your screen for a few minutes.

Physical Remedies and Adjustments

In addition to adjusting your gaming setup and habits, some physical remedies can help combat motion sickness:

  • Ginger: Consuming ginger in various forms (tea, candies, or supplements) before or during gaming sessions is a well-known remedy for nausea associated with motion sickness.
  • Hydration: Staying adequately hydrated is essential. Dehydration can worsen symptoms of nausea, so keep a bottle of water nearby during gaming sessions.
  • Seated Position: Your seated position can influence how you perceive motion while gaming. Ensure you're seated comfortably with adequate support. Some players find that slightly reclining their chair can reduce symptoms.

Seeking Professional Advice

If motion sickness persists despite trying these tips and adjustments, consider consulting a healthcare professional. They may offer additional strategies tailored to your specific situation or suggest wearing corrective lenses designed to reduce motion sickness.


While motion sickness can detract from the enjoyment of immersive games like House Flipper 2, applying these strategies can help mitigate or prevent symptoms, enhancing your gaming experience. Every player's sensitivity varies, so it may take some experimentation to find the combination of adjustments and remedies that work best for you. Remember, the goal is to enjoy your gaming sessions comfortably and healthily. Happy flipping!