How To Use The Autocannon Against Chargers In Helldivers 2 Key Tips

How To Use The Autocannon Against Chargers In Helldivers 2 Key Tips

Helldivers 2, the much-anticipated sequel to the original cooperative top-down shooter, Helldivers, further immerses players in its frenetic and unforgiving universe. The game presents enhanced gameplay mechanics, formidable enemies, and an array of versatile weapons to combat the relentless alien threats. A significant challenge in the game is taking down Chargers, fast and aggressive enemies that can quickly overwhelm players. One effective tool at a player's disposal is the Autocannon. This article delves into the key strategies and tips for using the Autocannon effectively against Chargers in Helldivers 2.

The Autocannon, a heavy weapon known for its rapid-fire capability and explosive rounds, is a game-changer when used correctly. However, wielding it requires understanding its mechanics, limitations, and strategic importance, especially when facing Chargers. These enemies are notorious for their speed and ability to close distances quickly, turning the tide of battle in mere moments. Therefore, mastering the Autocannon is not just about firepower; it's about tactically integrating it into your combat approach to counter these swift adversaries.

Know Your Weapon

Firstly, familiarize yourself with the Autocannon's attributes. It has a high rate of fire and deals splash damage, making it excellent for crowd control. Its explosive rounds can halt a Charger's advance, but timing and accuracy are crucial due to the weapon's reload speed and ammunition consumption. Understanding these aspects is the foundation for employing the Autocannon against Chargers effectively.

Positioning Is Key

Positioning cannot be overstated when facing Chargers. Due to their speed, getting surrounded is easy. Therefore, maintain a defensive stance where you can funnel or bottleneck these enemies into your line of fire. This strategy not only maximizes the Autocannon's effectiveness by hitting multiple targets with its splash damage but also minimizes the risk of being flanked.

Team Coordination

In cooperative play, coordinating with your team amplifies the Autocannon's efficiency. Communication is vital. Inform your teammates when you're reloading or if you need covering fire. A well-timed Stratagem or a support weapon can keep Chargers at bay while you prepare your next barrage. A synergistic team can create a formidable defense that Chargers will find difficult to penetrate.

Use of Terrain

The environment plays a significant role in combat strategies against Chargers. Narrow passages, choke points, and natural barriers can be advantageous when wielding the Autocannon. These terrains limit the Chargers' movement options, funneling them into predictable paths where your explosive ordnance can cause maximum havoc. Always be mindful of the surroundings and use them to your strategic advantage.

Timing and Ammo Conservation

Due to the Autocannon's long reload times and the precious nature of its ammunition in Helldivers 2, timing your shots and conserving ammo become pivotal considerations. Anticipate Charger movements and unleash your firepower when they're grouped closely, ensuring maximum damage per shot. Always be on the lookout for ammo drops and prioritize securing them without compromising your position or that of your team's.

Practice Makes Perfect

Lastly, proficiency with the Autocannon against Chargers—or any enemy—comes with practice. Take time to learn its handling characteristics, from firing rates to maneuvering while wielding it. Participate in smaller skirmishes to get a feel for the weapon before facing Chargers in more significant numbers or higher difficulty levels.

In conclusion, while Chargers pose a substantial threat in Helldivers 2, an adept Autocannon user can turn these encounters into opportunities for demonstrating superior firepower and tactical awareness. Understand your weapon, position wisely, coordinate with your team, exploit the terrain, manage your ammo effectively, and practice diligently. These key strategies will not only elevate your gameplay but also ensure that you and your squad can face Chargers—and any other threats—with confidence and prowess in the unforgiving battlefields of Helldivers 2.